Tuesday, April 18, 2006


congrats to all newly elected councillors! although some very deserving people did not get in, i hope you guys do a good job eh. haha. assembled my guy stikfas in class today. had lots of fun messing around with it during class with the rest of the guys. esp since civics ended after 15 mins? so we technically had about 2 hours of break considering we went in for math lecture late i tink. ha.

then went to play xbox with vivek. trashed him at battlefront 2. but we did have a clse fight at soul calibre. we did find our very own girls. heh. sneakysneaky. but nothing really. and no vivek, you are not sould calibre god or the champion. today's gaming was a bloody tie. hah. but i must say, i was pretty unlucky.

i wish koach ken would just give me constructive comments during training about my form! its getting really irritating.

me: ken, hows my form?
ken: you really need more strength.
me: other than that?
ken: you should stop talking so much. seriously.
me: other than that?
ken: you should stop saying other than that.

i mean come on. constructive feedback? lol. at least groupings have vastly improved. haha. i must say, she hasnt been letting me down at all. except with a few slip ups that were my fault. haha.

oh and yes, thanks annalyn for giving me yur stikfas! haha.
and yes. no matter what any of you say, teen titans kicks ass. it rocks my socks.

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